Autumn 2019 Season Announced
Welcome to the Autumn season of A Play, a Pie and a Pint!
Artistic directors April Chamberlain and Morag Fullarton are delighted to present more favourite plays from PPP’s back catalogue as well as bringing you 5 thrilling world premieres.
The season launches with a sparkling new musical ‘Crocodile Rock’ from the writer of the superb ‘Spuds’ (***** – The Herald) followed by a wonderfully varied programme of dramas, true stories, musicals and black comedies from a truly fantastic line up of writers (including award winning, Broadway veterans Marie Jones and David Harrower).
The plays explore such varied topics as the sweet revenge of a woman scorned, a darkly comic tale of teenage angst, and the Tay Bridge disaster from the unique perspective of the signalman. We look at fascinating stories of real life figures: renowned psychiatrist RD Laing, Mary McGowan of the Clyde V Stompers and the epic rise and fall of a champion cyclist Marco Pantani.
We revisit two more 5 star musicals: a gloriously bawdy Carmen set in Glasgow’s east end, and take you backstage in 1920s Berlin as a world famous play begins to take shape.
As the Herald says… “What’s not to enjoy?”
And to fill those freezing December days with fun we end the season with the Òran Mór 2019 Christmas panto – ‘Dixie Whittington – the Hamecoming’.
Please visit our What’s On page for full programme details.
Tickets on sale now from TicketWeb