Mon, 17 March, 2025 — Sat, 22 March, 2025
Directed by Lesley Hart | Cast - Yolanda Mitchell
A blisteringly funny and emotional drama about a teenager in crisis.
“Wasps? Twats.”
Rianne is your typical 16-year-old girl, aside from an obsessive phobia of wasps, trying to survive the hellhole that is high school.
As she struggles in bottom-set maths and getting the other grades she needs, some heartbreaking news sends Rianne’s life spiralling out of control in ways she could never have imagined.
Wasps is a bitter-sweet coming-of-age monologue starring Yolanda Mitchell and directed by Lesley Hart (River City).
Co-presented with Traverse Theatre.
“brilliant and devastating”
Broadway World Scotland
NOTE: This play contains upsetting themes that may be triggering or traumatic for some viewers.
Please click here to learn more.
Please note unfortunately the BSLI offering has been cancelled on Saturday 22 March. The performance will go ahead as standard. You can find out more here.
Yolanda Mitchell
Writer: Cameron Forbes
Director: Lesley Hart
Designer: Gillian Argo
Assistant Director: Cormac Myles
Cameron Forbes is a high school drama teacher and playwright from Dunfermline. He was recipient of the 2015 Scotland Short Play Award and, more recently, the 2024 Scott Salver award for new writing. Wasps is his first professional production.
Lesley Hart is a Scottish actor, writer and director. For A Play, A Pie and A Pint, Lesley co-directed the recent revival of Poker Alice by Greg Hemphill as part of its 20th anniversary season. She has also directed Denise Mina’s Ida Tamson, Claire Nicol’s The Sweetest Growl, and My Name is Sarah, and… by Brian O’Sullivan for the lunchtime theatre company, and has written and performed in several of its productions.