Òran Mór Summer Panto Raises 4258.40 for Charity
A massive thank you to every one of our customers who kindly donated to our chosen charities Downs Syndrome Scotland, Maryhill Integration Network and Spirit Aid and to the David MacLennan Award during Òran Mór’s 2019 Summer Panto Dracula ReVamped.
Together you raised a whopping £ 4258.40…
David MacLennan Award £898.55
Relaunching this Autumn, the David Maclennan Award supports first time writers to have their play produced at A Play, A Pie and A Pint
Downs Syndrome Scotland £1414.65
Down’s Syndrome Scotland is the only organisation in Scotland focussed solely on the needs of people with Down’s syndrome, their families and professionals. We provide an all-through-life support, information and services to people with Down’s syndrome, their families and professionals. Our Family Support Service provides home visits to families; training to teachers, coaches and medical professionals; and support and information via telephone, e-mail and social media. Our Down’s Syndrome Sports initiative provides dance, football, karate and swimming to children and adults with Down’s syndrome. We also provide a Parent Contact Service, which provides parent mentors to families. Scottish charity SC011012.
Maryhill Integration Network £990.30
MIN brings refugee, migrant and local communities together through, art, social, cultural and educational groups and projects, offering people a chance to learn new skills, meet new people, share experiences and take part in worthwhile activities to improve their lives and the life of their communities.
Maryhill Integration Network have been in touch to let us know the money raised will be used partly to go towards their youth project, their new outreach in schools and their welfare fund for destitute asylum seekers. Scottish charity SCO37300 .
Spirit Aid £954.90
A Scottish humanitarian relief organisation dedicated to alleviating the suffering of children and young people whose lives have been affected by poverty, neglect, abuse, lack of opportunity, humanitarian crisis or even blighted by war.
We were founded in 2001 by our head of operations David Hayman and work across the world to reach children in need. We currently have operations running in Scotland, Palestine, Afghanistan and Malawi.
Scottish charity SC031962.
You really are a very generous audience, oh yes you are!